Monday, October 25, 2010

Claims Adjuster Jobs-Finding the Ideal Insurance Job

If you intend to get a job as a insurance claims adjuster, then you will need a sense of diligence, good investigative skills, and a great sense of humour. People from all over make some of the most amazing claims and it is your job to read the forms, laugh a little, and then seek out the truth of the matter. People sometimes write in a manner that they think is perfectly clear, but which are slightly more humorous than originally intended.

There are, of course, less amusing and more amusing variations of the insurance claims adjuster job. Life insurance claims are rarely funny, and things like flood and fire insurance don't seem terribly amusing either. Car insurance, however, is full of hilarious claims about accidents and their causes that might have a claims adjuster falling off their chair.

Imagine a normal work day, where you are reading claims from people claiming accidents from a variety of causes, ranging from "I lost control when my girlfriend grabbed my testicles" to "a submarine hit my car". (Both of these, by the way, are real claims that were made.)

Of course, there is always the typical claim of that deals with mundane issues such as collisions in heavy traffic, but the phrasing used by many customers is more than enough to start you on your first chuckle of the day. This is including things like: "In an attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole." And don't forget the people who blame their car troubles on unknown forces or Voodoo.

The job requires that sense of humour, if you feel that you can handle the thought of people driving off a cliff to avoid a squirrel or into a building as they check the gas prices, or even going through businesses when they forget to put the car in reverse, then this might just be the ideal job for you.

As for the technical aspects of the job, the insurance claims adjuster is the person who investigates the claims that are made, ridiculous and otherwise, negotiate settlements, and authorize payments. Your job is to determine whether the policy that the claimant holds covers the accident or other loss, and how much of the loss should be paid to the claimant. Once you have read the claims form, you will have to conduct interviews with witnesses, police, and hospital staff where applicable, and consult the relevant records held by them regarding the loss.

You will consult with many professional people if you think that someone in the profession can help with your investigation. This might mean talking to a wide range of lawyers, doctors, engineers, construction workers, and more. The information you gather, including video and audio components, is then presented in a report to help evaluate the claim.

If the claim is found to be legitimate, then it becomes your job to negotiate the settlement with the claimant. If it is contested, then it is your job to work within the legal system to protect your company's position. No matter what you find, though, you are sure to find plenty of laughs along the way.

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